3.6. Week 6: Exploring the wisdom of feelings
Feelings need to be felt. They indicate how far we are from feeling as good as we wish to feel. They are an indication of the state of parts of our nervous system. Kind awareness helps to settle the imbalanced activation in our systems.
1. Read Chapter Nine "Turning Towards Difficulties"
2. Choose one or two of the following meditations (and try without the audio file, if you can)
Eight minutes of Breath & Body meditation (meditation four, pages 125 to 127)
Eight-minutes of Sounds & Thoughts meditation (meditation five, pages 141 to 146)
Ten minute of Exploring Difficulty meditation (six, pages 169 to 172)
Befriending (Kindness) or Enjoyment meditation (supplementary meditation, S1)
3. Continue mindful living
Three Minute Breathing Space to be practised 2-3 times a day at regular times and especially when encountering difficulty (see pages 178 to 181).
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